18" Hockey Custom Name Sign$50.00PriceBase price $50; Click "Read More" for additional pricing; View fonts & colors here; 8 letter limit* (spaces included but not charged)1-4 letters (included in $50)5-6 letters - add $107-8 letters - add $20*more than 8 letters will need to go to a 24" sign (24" sign link)Total letters in names, not including spacesSelectBase ColorSelectPlease type the name EXACTLY as you want them to appear on the sign8Indicate the COLOR you want for the name300QuantityAdd to CartShipping, Return and Exchange PoliciesPlease review our Shipping and Return/Excahgne Policies here
18" Hockey Custom Name Sign$50.00PriceBase price $50; Click "Read More" for additional pricing; View fonts & colors here; 8 letter limit* (spaces included but not charged)1-4 letters (included in $50)5-6 letters - add $107-8 letters - add $20*more than 8 letters will need to go to a 24" sign (24" sign link)Total letters in names, not including spacesSelectBase ColorSelectPlease type the name EXACTLY as you want them to appear on the sign8Indicate the COLOR you want for the name300QuantityAdd to Cart